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69% of HR professionals believe their organization has a skill gap.
62% place less emphasis on candidates earning a bachelor’s degree.

Surveys from major bodies such as the Association of American Colleges and Universities, and the National Association of Colleges and Employers (in their 2017 job outlook report) indicate that employers believe graduating students greatly overestimate the level of their proficiency in terms of their career readiness across a broad skill-set that includes leadership, professionalism and work ethic, oral and written communication, and critical thinking and problem solving.

Hiring managers also found recent graduates’ oral communication, project experience, and problem-solving skills to be inadequate. These findings are consistent with national and international studies looking at competencies required by employers.

To combat this, employers are taking a more active role in closing the skills gap between computing education and practice. To re-skill and up-skill employees, companies are now developing their own courseware that is delivered on online platforms.

Employers and other members of industry can help universities and other educators to narrow this gap and provide more qualified candidates to support the growing need for computing labor through partnering on competency-based educational structures.

The resources below are for all members of industries including (but not limited to) employers and hiring managers as well as professional organizations and societies.

Competency-Based Education for Industry

Competencies reflect elements that an individual must demonstrate to be effective in a job, task, or function. Competencies are written as task-oriented action phrases that integrate three key dimensions: knowledge, skills, and dispositions. While knowledge and skills are somewhat self-explanatory, dispositions reflect the inclination and “drive” to carry out a task.


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