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Competency is a salient characteristic of computing and engineering education, and it has appeared since the 19th century in engineering. To date, competency has generated many literary works and discussions.

The following lists publications and events related to “competency” and [“computing education” or “engineering education”] as search keywords. The sources appear in pseudo-Chicago style according to the year of publication.


1925 – Present

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1920 – 1924

  • Snedden, David, ed. Home Economics Education: Studies of Vocational and General Courses. Teachers college, Columbia university, 1924. [Book]
  • Crennan, Charles Holloway, and Forrest Alva Kingsbury. Psychology in business. Vol. 110. American academy of political and social science, 1923. [Book]
  • Flexner, Abraham. A modern college, and a modern school. Doubleday, Page, 1923. [Book]
  • McNair, McNear, and McNeir Genealogies. Vol. 1. The author, 1923. [Book]
  • Greene, Arthur M. “Engineering education after the war.” (1922). [Book]
  • Greene Jr, Arthur M. “Engineering Education after the War. Bulletin, 1921, No. 50.” Bureau of Education, Department of the Interior (1922). [Report]
  • Pennsylvania State Education Association. Southeastern Convention District, and University of Pennsylvania. Schoolmen’s Week Proceedings. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1922. [Book]
  • Polakov, Walter Nicholas. Mastering Power Production: The industrial, economic and social problems involved and their solution. C. Palmer, 1922. [Book]
  • Social, Completion Test II. “The Journal of Delinquency.” Interpretation 7, no. 2 (1922). [Article]
  • Mead, Daniel Webster. Contracts, specifications and engineering relations. McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1920. [Book]

1910 – 1919

  • Baker, Ray Palmer, ed. Engineering Education. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, (1919). [Book]
  • Hopkins, Nevil Monroe. The Outlook for Research and Invention, with an Appendix of Problems Awaiting Solutions. D. Van Nostrand Company, (1919). [Book[
  • Mann, Charles Riborg. The American spirit in education. No. 30. US Government Printing Office, (1919). [Book]
  • Record, Thly. “Of Current Educational.” (1919). [Book]
  • Sadler, Michael. East India (Calcutta University Commission): Report of the Commission Appointed by the Government of India to Enquire Into the Condition and Prospects of the University of Calcutta. Vol. 7. HM Stationery Office, (1919). [Book]
  • Gardner, Luke. “Strengthening Artisan Networking Initiative.” PhD diss., Worcester Polytechnic Institute, (1917). [Dissertation]
  • Haupt, Lewis M., Charles Kirby Fox, A. H. Markwart, and Morgan Cilley. “Discussion of The Philosophy of Engineering.” Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers 77, no. 1 (1914): pp. 53-61. [Article]
  • Illinois Miners’, and Mechanics’ Institutes. Bulletin No. 1-3. No. 1-3. University of Illinois, (1914). [Book]
  • Garver, N. B., George B. Pillsbury, F. H. Constant, Arthur B. Green, Alexis Saurbrey, J. X. Cohen, George F. Swain et al. “Discussion on Engineering Education.” Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers 75, no. 1 (1912): pp. 1092-1130. [Article]
  • Fowle, Frank F. “Engineering specifications.” Proceedings of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers 30, no. 9 (1911): pp. 2029-2047. [Article]

1900 – 1909

  • Bates, Onward. “President’s address at the 41st annual convention of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Bretton Woods New Hampshire, July 6, 1909.” Proceedings of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers 28, no. 9 (1909): pp. 17-25. [Article]
  • Hernández Quiceno, Vanessa, Gabriel Obregón Henao, Andrés F. González Ramírez, and Edison Valencia Díaz. “Rev. ing. biomed.[online]. 2009, vol. 3, n. 5.” ISSN 9762 (1909): pp. 101-105. [Article]
  • Blaisdell, Thomas Charles, ed. Semi-centennial Celebration of Michigan State Agricultural College: May Twenty-sixth, Twenty-ninth, Thirtieth and Thirty-first, Nineteen Hundred Seven. University of Chicago Press, (1908). [Book]
  • Jackson, Dugald C. “The Relations of the Engineering Schools to Polytechnic Industrial Education.” Science 26, no. 656 (1907): pp. 104-111. [Article]
  • Day, Charles. “Engineering education and engineering ethics.” Proceedings of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers 25, no. 12 (1906): pp. 3-7. [Article]
  • Swain, George F., Harold Bouton, George W. Rafter, Edgar Marburg, Gardner H. Wialliians, Olin H. Landreth, Bernard R. Green et al. “Engineering Education.” Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers 57, no. 2 (1906): pp. 141-180. [Article]
  • Van Nada, M. L., ed. The Book of Missourians: The Achievements and Personnel of Notable Living Men and Women of Missouri in the Opening Decade of the Twentieth Century. TJ Steele, (1906). [Book]
  • Fletcher, Robert, and Calvin Woodward. “Engineering Education.” Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers 54, no. 3 (1905): pp. 453-496. [Article]
  • Dalby, Willam Ernest. “The Education of Engineers in America, Germany, and Switzerland.” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers 64, no. 1 (1903): pp. 281-349. [Article]

1890 – 1899

  • Coxe, Eckley B. “Technical education.” Journal of Fluids Engineering 15 (1894): pp. 655-668. [Article]
  • Farmer, Silas. History of Detroit and Wayne County and Early Michigan. Vol. 2. S. Farmer & Company, (1890). [Book]

1860 – 1889

  • Pratama, M. Mirza Abdillah, Puput Risdanareni, Anie Yulistyorini, Astri Anindya Sari, and Gilang Idfi. “Green Construction and Engineering Education for Sustainable Future.” In AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 10002, no. 2017. (1887). [Report]
  • Sugandi, Machmud. “Implementation of project-based learning on the Prakerin subject of vocational high school students of the building engineering to enhance employment skill readiness of graduates in the construction services field.” In AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 20065, no. 2017. (1887). [Report]
  • Scott, H. Y. D. “Journal of the Society of Arts, Vol. 20, no. 1017.” The Journal of the Society of Arts 20, no. 1017 (1872): pp. 547-566. [Article]

1800 – 1859

  • Doris, Omeodu M. “Role of mathematical competencies in enhancing students’ academic performance in physics in Port Harcourt local government area Rivers State.” European Scientific Journal, ISSN 7881 (1857): pp.59-69. [Article]
  • Gulgonul, Senol, Nedim Sozbir, and Adnan Agir. “Engineering Labor Demand In Turkey.” Computer 1439, no. 17 (1843): p. 17. [Article]
  • Utaminingsih, Sri, Rihayati Rihayati, and Santoso Santoso. “Improving the critical thinking skills by using the discovery learning model based on the ethnoscience of the Patiayam site.” In Journal of Physics Conference Series, pp. 1-10. (1823). [Article]

1700 – 1799

  • Ibrahim, Nik Lukman Nik, Nangkula Utaberta, and Badiossadat Hassanpour. “Rasch Modeling Analysis in Assessing Students’s Ability and Questions Reliability in Architecture Environmental Science Examination.” Journal of Applied Sciences Research 8, no. 3 (1797): p. 2012. [Article]
  • Verma, Ashwati. “Role of skills in Globalization of Education.” (1776). [Report]
  • Bree, Ronan T. “Incorporating augmented reality to enrich student learning.” Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education ISSN 667, no. 12 (1759): p. 2017. [Article]
  • Arvyaty, Salim, Kodirun Kadir, and Hariani Ruslan. “Using Cooperative Learning Models of The Bamboo Dancing Type to Improve the Skills of 4C Students.” In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 2021, p. 012062. (1752). [Article]
  • Sulaiman, Fauziah, Jeffry Juan Rosales JR, and Lee Jae Kyung. “The effectiveness of integrated science, technology, engineering and mathematics project-based learning module.” Int J Eval & Res Educ ISSN 2252 (1741): p. 8822. [Article]

Past – 1699

No publication with “competency” AND [“computing education” OR “engineering education”] was accessible.





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