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DEAPening Employer Academic Partnerships

We are bringing the academic and corporate worlds together to help better prepare future graduates in computing fields.

Our DEAP team empowers the next generation of computing trailblazers by providing comprehensive support for computing educators and employers in an effort to move from knowledge-based to competency-based education.

Crafted at the nexus of academic and corporate collaboration, our forward-thinking competency-based solutions intend to inspire and cultivate breakthroughs in every student.

This project, funded by the NSF and grounded in research, serves as a resource hub for educators, students, and industry providing information on competency-based education and developing partnerships to ensure we move into the future, together.

DEAP Competency Model

Teaching Competencies

DEAP Competency Reports

Stories of Impact

As part of our initiative to determine competencies important to computing professionals, we interviewed 32 individuals in computing related roles who work in a range of industries and have varied roles, responsibilities, and professional and educational backgrounds including those with hiring responsibilities (“hiring manager”) and those without (“computing professional.”)

These are their stories, experiences, and advice.

"[When hiring, I look for] the ability to explain what you've done because you're not any good to me if you can solve the problem, but you're the only one that understands what you did because somebody else is going to have to come behind you. So, there's some communication that’s needed as well there. We get recordings of how they solved the problem, so we also get their thought processes. How they approach the problem as they are solving it. "
Hiring Manager
"Learn to depend on other people. You don't have to know everything. Find people who do know it. And cultivate those relationships."
Computing Professional
"[When hiring] if I saw somebody that had any kind of cross training like any kind of team projects where maybe they had to work with somebody from a marketing perspective and somebody from an operations perspective. That kind of experience, really caught my attention, because being able to work on a team is one of the really crucial things."
Hiring Manager

Academic Partnerships

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